Our school is in the 6th district of Budapest.
It was founded in 1896 and we celebrated its 100th anniversary in Autumn, 1997. There are 1400 student in here.
Szinyei Merse Pál
and his paintings
Szinyei Merse Pál (1845-1920)
Szinyei Merse Pál was a Hungarian painter and art educator. He was born on 4th July, 1845 in Szinyeújfalu into a family of the old nobility who supported the Hungarian Revolution. At first he gained some trainings in painting on a private basis and then entrolled at the Munich Academy in 1864. He stayed there after he completed his studies and introduced his painting called "Picnic in May" , which has become one of the emblemastic pieces of Hungarian art. His solo exhibition of 1896 was a huge sucess and he was elected a member of parliament in the same year. He painted many paintings and I want to show a few of them:
- Picnic in May (1873)
- Lady in Violet (1874)
- Skylark (1882)
- Fields (1909)
He died on 2th Ferbruary , 1920 in Jenye. The Szinyei Society which was formed after his death not only kept his memory alive, but also became the most important artistic association of the period between the World Wars. Our school was named after him.